Customer Testimonials

We asked Chin-Canada to quote on our products with a certain apprehension, not knowing if the quality and service would match what was advertised. We were at first pleased with the prices quoted and were impressed when Chin-Canada suggested much better packaging than what we were previously using, all the while saving us considerable cost. When we placed a large order we were assured by the owner of Chin-Canada that he would personally inspect the shipment before it left his factory in Asia. True to his word, Mr. Prevost sent us detailed photos of our products in production and being loaded into a full container. All the details of shipping were taken care of and the goods arrived at our door on time and, needless to say, we are extremely happy with the quality, price and service we received.
William GoudkuilPresident,

Industries Ltd.

Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Tel: 1-604-777-4001 Email:
Quality Assurance
Cleanliness Guidelines

Cleanliness Guidelines

Our factory is a state of the art production facility with extremely strict guidelines for cleanliness. Since many of our products are for the food industry, all employees and visitors must enter a clean room, pass through a purification tunnel, sterilize their hands and wear protective clothing at all times.

ISO 9001

ISO 9001

To ensure consistent adherence to sound Quality Control Procedures, we are ISO9001 registered.

ISO standards specify the requirements for state-of-the-art products, services, processes, materials and systems, and for good conformity assessment, managerial and organizational practice.

Quality Control Testing

Quality is always at the top of the list of customer's concerns with any supplier. At Chin-Canada, we pride ourselves with the strongest emphasis on Quality Control. Each and every production batch undergoes a rigorous series of Quality Control tests.