Customer Testimonials

We asked Chin-Canada to quote on our products with a certain apprehension, not knowing if the quality and service would match what was advertised. We were at first pleased with the prices quoted and were impressed when Chin-Canada suggested much better packaging than what we were previously using, all the while saving us considerable cost. When we placed a large order we were assured by the owner of Chin-Canada that he would personally inspect the shipment before it left his factory in Asia. True to his word, Mr. Prevost sent us detailed photos of our products in production and being loaded into a full container. All the details of shipping were taken care of and the goods arrived at our door on time and, needless to say, we are extremely happy with the quality, price and service we received.
William GoudkuilPresident,

Industries Ltd.

Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Tel: 1-604-777-4001 Email:
Factory & Equipment

Factory Complex

New Factory Complex

Our factory is located in a port city in Coastal China allowing easy access to trans-ocean shipping.

Our facility occupies 600,000 sq ft separated into two main divisions; bag manufacturing and clamshell manufacturing.

Since many of our products are for the food industry, all employees and visitors must enter a clean room, pass through a purification tunnel, sterilize their hands and wear protective clothing at all times.

Bag Equipment

In our factory we make our own PE material using extruding machines of various sizes.

Our factory uses the very latest Rotogravure printing presses and has many of these presses in operation.

We use multiple lines of bag forming machines, which seal, perforate and apply zippers to a variety of bag materials.

We also use the latest dry lamination machines.

Clamshell Equipment

We extrude our own PET, PS and PP material in varying thicknesses

We have our own mold making department with a variety of C & C Machines

We have the latest forming machines from China, Germany and Japan